Friday, October 17, 2008

Party over here! OR The Sensitive Jerk

::Party Over Here!::
Today is the day of my birthday party. It will also be a good opportunity to receive input from my peers as to which room of the house I should move into, and also the placement of my bed. Can't wait.

...ALSO (and I know these two parts don't have anything to do with one another, but I just had to say something. And seeing as how my birthday is coming up, I thought it a good opportunity to make some resolutions. They'll go well with the new place)...

::The Sensitive Jerk::
-Aspiring to be that "sensitive jerk"-

My beak is wet and my tires are worn. I take interest in too many things to keep in order, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Sometimes I can wear myself thin, but it's because I go all out in everything I do. What's important to me is that I had fun along the way, and left nothing to regret.

I've always had something to be passionate about--something that kept me busy. Dating was never one of them. I've generally avoided dating because I have an almost innate fear of doing things incorrectly. But I've come to realize that the only way to date incorrectly is by not dating all. So here I am, ready to take on the world. Don't worry, ladies; I'm a catch. ;)

// An Aside //
I don't know if there's something wrong with my browser or this blog site. When I publish posts in certain fonts, or change the font of a post, the double spaces between a period and the beginning of the following sentence becomes a single space. It seriously annoys me, and I'd investigate further if it weren't 2:30 in the morning right now. Goodnight.

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